Five ways to improve your mental health.

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Mental health is as important as physical well-being, especially in these testing times. We are all passing through an extremely difficult phase of life and it needs real effort to keep ourselves fit both physically and mentally.

According to current research, you can improve your mental health and well-being in five ways. Taking care of your mental health while remaining at home might be challenging, but it does not have to be in reality.

Try these ideas and see whether they make you happier and more productive.

1. Establish a social network

  • Your psychological well-being depends on the quality of your interactions. Promote a sense of self-worth that allows you to share pleasant experiences with others. 
  • Promote your emotional well-being and the well-being of others.
  • Building stronger and more intimate connections can be accomplished in a variety of ways.
  • Do what you can, to spend time with your loved ones regularly, for instance, establish a regular meal time with your family.
  • Plan a get-together with friends you have not seen for a while, or turn off the TV and engage in conversation or a game with your children, family, or other members of your social network.
  • Spend some time together over lunch.
  • Volunteer at a local school, hospital, or community group for a friend or family member who needs your companionship or support. Visit any NGO and learn more about being a volunteer. Staying in touch with loved ones has never been easier with the new age-connected digital networks. Apps like Teams, Zoom and WhatsApp for video conversation are especially convenient for people who live far apart.
  • You cannot develop relationships solely through technology or social media. It is easy to fall into the habit of just communicating with others by text, message, or email.

2. Take part in physical activity

The benefits of regular physical activity extend far beyond your physical well-being. Increasing your self-esteem, allowing you to establish goals or objectives, and generating chemical changes in your brain that can assist to enhance your mood are just some of the ways to boost your mental well-being.

  • Do some research on how to stay in shape.
  • Find low-cost ways to stay in shape.
  • Discover how to be more physically active with disabilities if you have a long-term health issue.
  • Begin your journey with a brisk walk or jogging/running.
  • Start swimming, biking, or dancing by learning the basics.
  • Learn how to get started with exercising.
  • You should not feel obligated to work out for long periods at the gym. Find activities that you enjoy and incorporate them into your daily routine.

3. Expand your knowledge base

Learning new abilities has shown to have a positive impact on mental health in the following ways:

  • Enhancing your feeling of self-worth and self-assurance, as well as your ability to form meaningful relationships with those around you.
  • Learning can be integrated into your daily routine even if you think you do not have the time or do not see the use in expanding your knowledge.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Do not be afraid to attempt something new in the kitchen. Learn how to prepare and eat healthy foods.
  • Consider taking on a new role at work, such as that of a mentor for a less experienced employee or a presenter.
  • Work on a Do-It-Yourself project, such as ‘Repairing a broken bicycle or a garden fence’. Consider enrolling yourself in a class at a local community college instead of relying on the many free video lectures available online. Learning a new language or a practical skill, such as plumbing, could be a good option for you.
  • Consider taking up a new hobby that pushes you out of your comfort zone.

If you are not interested in learning new skills or taking exams, do not feel obligated to do so. Find activities that you enjoy and incorporate them into your daily routine.

4. Give to other people

According to research, doing good deeds for others can assist your mental health by boosting your mood and self-esteem by making you feel good about yourself; providing you a sense of meaning in life, and making you feel more connected to those around you. There are many ways to show kindness to others around you, from tiny gestures like smiling to more substantial ones like volunteering in your community.

Saying ‘Thank you’ to someone for something they have done for you, asking friends, family, or coworkers how they are doing, and genuinely listening to their response are some examples of things you could do. Volunteer work in a local school, hospital, or care facility spending quality time with friends or family members who could use your companionship or supporting/helping a friend with a Do-It-

Yourself (DIY) or work project.

5. Be attentive to where you are right now (mindfulness)

You can improve your mental health by paying greater attention to ‘here and now’. This encompasses all of your internal and external experiences. “Mindfulness” is a term used by some to describe this awareness. Mindfulness can improve your quality of life and help you better comprehend who you are. It has the power to transform your outlook on life and your response to problems. 

Learn more about how to be more present in your day-to-day activities by studying about the subject of mindfulness.

These simple yet effective ways and a deliberate effort will surely help in improving and maintaining a positive mental health.

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