Positive Parenting

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Managing kids – Positive Parenting Challenges and Tips

Positive Parenting – Say it the new normal or the pandemic, children have been the worst affected.

The age, when they are tuned to socializing, interacting with fellow kids, playing different kinds of games, visiting parks and other public places, has now been clouded by the virtual world and digital platforms.

Their innocence is masked by overexposure to the internet and screens. Their world has sadly become one of isolation, longing for togetherness with people and nature.

Parents are genuinely and most expectedly the concerned lot, who are desperately trying their best to keep the kids grounded and emotionally balanced.

Here, we try to bring in a few ways to manage this delicate phase to safeguard the kids physical and mental well-being.

Understand the child’s emotional needs:

If you observe your child to be constantly feeling sad or down, there might be a need to address his/her issue immediately. Talk to the child to see what is really troubling him/her.

Give them an assurance that you are there for them like a strong wall to depend on for support. Prepare them to feel free to speak out their hearts and minds to you as their parents.

Relate to their issues:

Try to step into their shoes to relate to the issues troubling/annoying them. Most of the children have a confused thought process and do not have the ability to take decisions. Address these issues with your age, experience and wisdom.

Help them to increase focus:

Children have volatile thinking and behavioural patterns and this hinders their capacity to focus on core issues. It is at this point parents should play the most important role of guiding them and thinking of ways to improve their focus and concentration on important things. Meditation, yoga, workshops etc. could be some of them to address this issues.

Dive deep into their fears, worries and emotions: 

At a juncture when elders are not able to cope with these unusual circumstances, it is but natural children are surrounded by typical fears, worries and emotions. Fears could be anything from losing friends, losing the much wanted normal routine, losing focus.

Worries might include living in isolation, leading a non-socializing life. They might as well be going through a rollercoaster ride of emotional highs and lows. It is and should be our first priority to talk to them openly and give them that much needed assurance that they are not alone and can reach out to you any time for help and support.

Be vigilant

Be alert and observant to the changes we observe in them – like change in their sleep patterns, mood swings, withdrawal symptoms, nagging health issues like indigestion, lack of hunger etc. Take medical practitioner’s help, if required, to help the children cope with these problems.

Be there for them: 

All said and done, the ultimate way to resolve all the problems of children is to be there for them all the while. Give them the confidence that you are approachable to discuss anything under the sky with them.

Encourage them to shed offtheir apprehensions and inhibitions and speak out their minds to you openly. Spend quality time with them and indulge in activities that strengthen your bonding with them.

Positive parenting is not tough. It is definitely possible with conscious effort and a wholehearted approach. Try out these tips to help the children grow up in a healthy and happy manner.

For more related articles visit Hello to Life

Photo by Julia M Cameron from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-woman-tutoring-young-boy-4145354/

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